14 dic 2015

Maripi Castillo cumple 1 año.

Felicidades Maripi Castillo

Este mes de Diciembre el proyecto de Maripi Castillo cumple 1 año, por eso hoy os presento este video divertido sobre los mejores momentos delante y "detrás" de la cámara.

5 dic 2015

How I passed Nclex with 75 questions, being a foreign nurse.

Nclex test.

Hello nurses.
My name is Maria, I am from Spain, and I recently passed Nclex with 75 questions at the second try.
In this video, I will explain you what I did the second time that I took the Nclex that I didn't do the first time.

4 dic 2015

Nclex Passing Rates for International Nurses.

Hello nurses!

My name is Maria, I am from Spain. I recently passed Nclex with 75 question at the second try.

In this two videos I want to discuss with you a couple of topics:

In the first video, I will talk aboutthe “Nclex Statistics from NCSBN¨
In the second video, I want to explain you what I did different the second time that I took that I didn't the first time.
In addition, I will give you some advices to overcome the difficulties you have as a foreign nurse.